
The Jam Room Podcast

The Jam Room Podcast is designed to give listeners insight into the creative process of two musicians.

Liam & Scott have been in several bands together and have been jamming for over ten years.  For us, the improvised creation of music is the most inspiring and satisfying aspect of the art form, yet the music industry is primarily focus on rehearsed and polished performances and production.  Whilst we plan to develop our ideas into studio quality albums, we would like to offer listeners access to our "writing" process. All music from The Jam Room Podcast is completely improvised and the occasional spontaneous emergences of great musical ideas will act as a foundation for future songs and albums.

It seems that most musicians are unwilling to share their ideas until a final product is developed and made available. This is where The Jam Room Podcast takes a different approach. We are happy to show our working out when it comes to our music, failures and all.

Oh, and there's also the occasional interview.